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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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Lesson 9 Final Reflection Paper

Lesson 9 Final Reflection Paper

Q FINAL REFLECTION Discussion: Sharing media literacy program ideas 17 17 unread replies. 17 17 replies. In this final reflection, do the following: Summarize and share the primary goals and strategies you proposed in your Lesson 9 media literacy program proposal. Reflect on how you'd like to improve your own political media literacy, drawing from at least one specific course concept you found particularly interesting or helpful. (For this question, take another look at your response in the Course-Level Discussion - Examining our Own Media Use -- What have you learned since the beginning of the course?). In a follow-up post, respond to a post from a classmate or to a question from your instructor. Note that for full credit, at least two discussion posts are required.

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The primary goal for the media literacy program that I had proposed is to make the youths of age from mostly 18 – 25 aware about the political affairs and various other such related topics for they are the future nation makers and they need to be active. Above that media as a strong tool to propagate various political propaganda used by everyone. Strategy to achieve this goal is by the use of internet through news portal and especially through social media that are